Wednesday, February 10

Grading My 2009 NL Central Predictions

Today I will take a look at how I did last spring at my NL Central picks. I know I took a lot of grief from Brewers fans (of all people) for being a homer by picking the Cards to finish first. Like the Brew Crew ever really has a shot... But I knew what I was doing. For the most part.

Anyway, lets see how I did.
[Here's the link to the original post]

2009 NL Central Predicted order: Cards, Cubs, Reds, Astros, Brewers, Pirates
2009 NL Central Actual order: Cards, Cubs, Brewers, Reds, Astros, Pirates

Overall, I think I did pretty well on this one. I got the first and second places right, jumbled the middle, and then got last place right. Hold on a sec while I give myself a well deserved pat on the back. Although, I will admit I was pretty lucky the Cards picked up Holliday. Without Holliday, I don't think the Cards finish first.

Tomorrow, I will wrap up my grading when I see how I did on my postseason picks and how well I did on picking who will win which awards.

See you tomorrow Cards Fans.

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