Monday, February 15

Monday Mail Day

So...hope everybody had a good weekend and a good Valentine's. Mine was a lonely one. (I feel like if my life was a sitcom, the crowd would have just 'awwwwwed') But I did watch the NBA skills competition on Saturday night. What a sad dunk off. If you watched it, I'm sorry. If you missed it, the four dunkers were Nate Robinson, Whats-his-face, Dont-know-you, and The-other-guy. The dunking was lame to the extreme. Of course Nate Robinson won. Mainly due to the fact that he's the only one anybody ever heard of.

Remember when things like NBA slam dunk competitions and NFL Pro-Bowls used to be an honor. Now the players just don't want to be bothered. And the fans suffer. We have to watch Shannon Brown in the dunk contest and Vince Young in the Pro Bowl.

Anyway, that's not what I had planned on talking about today. Last week I looked at all of my picks from last year to see how I did. I didn't do too well. I am looking for any help I can get for making my picks this year, and I received a comment with some helpful tips:

"If you're going to do some picking again for this year, you better keep the Twins at the top of your list. Mauer for MVP, Liriano for Cy Young, Twins win World Series."
Hate to be a downer, bud. But I don't think I'm picking the Twinkies for anything this year, other than being an amazing snack. Mauer will be good not great, Liriano will be a bust again, and the Twins won't even sneak through into the playoffs as the Wild Card so they won't be winning the Series.

Sorry to be so blunt with you, but I figured you could handle the truth. I think the Rams have more of a chance of winning the Super Bowl next season than the Twins have of winning the World Series.

Anyway, have a good Monday, everybody. Hopefully reading this wasted 10 minutes of time at your desk.

1 comment:

  1. This from the guy who picked the Mets and the D'backs last year to win their divisions! I look forward to your eating crow after my predictions come true!
