Friday, February 5

Grading Last Year's Predictions:
NL East

I didn't do half bad on my 2009 American League predictions. Let's move over to the real baseball today, the National League. You know, the league where everybody bats. That one.

Today I'll break down how I did on my NL East predictions from a year ago.
[Here's the link to that entry]

NL East Predicted: Mets, Phillies, Marlins, Braves, Nationals
NL East Actual: Phillies, Marlins, Braves, Mets, Nationals

Breakdown: My order was perfect...if it weren't for those idiot Mets! But that's why you play the game, right? The Mets at one point last season had $88 million on the disabled list. To put that in different terms, they had more money on the DL than half the league had spent on their whole teams. Fifteen teams last year had a payroll under $88 million.

I believe if they could have kept everyone healthy, they could have given the division a run for it's money. The Phills were too good, so my prediction still would have been wrong. But at least I would have looked a little better. Instead the team I picked to win the division finished in fourth and were 22 games out. Way to make me look stupid, Mets. Just adding to the reasons New York makes me mad.

Anyway, I give myself a D for that prediction, because I did pick the Nationals to finish last and that was perfect. And that has to count for something.

Everybody have a good weekend. I'll talk to y'all again on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I picked the Nationals for last last year too! And I pick them for last again this year. What is their payroll, 25 million? What is the Mets and Phillies, $150 million? Why won't baseball ever get a salary cap??!!!
