Wednesday, February 3

3 Point Plan To Keep Pujols in St. Louis
(Orig. Written 2/09)

This is an entry I wrote in February 2009 and never posted on here. I decided to revisit it and look at how much has changed in one year. Any changes to the original post will be in italics.

In a recent interview, Albert Pujols shared that he would love to finish his career in St. Louis. He went on to say that money is not everything he takes into consideration when deciding where he wants to play.

“Do I want to be in St. Louis forever?" Pujols said in the interview. "Of course, because that city has opened the door to me and my family like no other city is ever going to do. I don't want to play in any other city, but if that time comes… I don't think it's going to be anything compared to St. Louis.”

Don’t think it is that easy, though. There are still several things, three in specific; that the Redbirds must take care of if they wish to keep Pujols in St. Louis.

Point 1: Keep St. Louis a contender

"It's about being in a place to win and being in a position to win," said Pujols. "If the Cardinals are willing to do that and put a team together every year like they have, I'm going to try to work everything out to stay in this town. But if they're not on the same page of bringing championship caliber [players] to play every year, then it's time to go somewhere else where I can win."

If I were in the position of general manager John Mozeliak, and heard this from my star, Albert Pujols, I would never have an off-season like this past one ever again. The Cardinals missed the playoffs by more than a slim margin last year. One of the best ways to improve a team that missed the playoffs would be to add at least one difference maker to your team.

Whether it is a free-agent signing or a trade; add a player that will give you that extra push to propel you into October. On that note, the Cardinals key off season acquisition: Khalil Greene. Greene hit .213 in 2008.

The front office must become more proactive and spend some money out on the open market to show Pujols that they are trying to put together a contender if they want to keep him in St. Louis. A player of Pujols' talent is not going to be content with just the one World Series win.

The Cards are definitely taking care of that. Last offseason, our big 2 acquisitions were Dennys Reyes and Khalil Greene. This year was Brad Penny and Matt Holliday. J-Mo is finally listening to Albert.

Point 2: It may not be all about the money

"I'm not going to lie to you: It's not about the money all the time," said Pujols.

But sometimes it is. Pujols may love St. Louis and never want to leave, but Pujols isn’t a fool either. He knows what he’s worth. And while he may not expect the Cards to be able to dish out the kind of cash a New York or Los Angeles team can, he will expect them to at least be competitive.

This might worry some Cardinal fans considering that the Cards’ front office is beginning to earn a reputation as the penny-pinchers of MLB. After a 37 homer, outstanding season from outfielder Ryan Ludwick, he requested a reasonable $4.25 million. The Cardinals countered with a low-ball $2.8 million. There is no 37 home run player available for $2.8 million. It all worked out as the team and Ludwick eventually agreed to a contract one day before their scheduled arbitration hearing.

But if the team low-balls Pujols like they did Ludwick, Albert undoubtedly will walk. They need to make sure they offer him a fair market value for his skill level.

Hopefully by cutting some dead weight this offseason, they are preparing room in the budget for Pujols. If it means room for Pujols, I'll pack Ankiel's and Brad Thompson's bags. Also deferring millions of dollars from Holliday's contract is satisfying this goal as well.

Point 3: Keep up the fan support

Don’t think Pujols doesn’t notice that he plays in one of, if not the greatest baseball city in the country. Redbird fans may hate their team after a tough loss, but they never give up on their beloved Cardinals. The next night the sea of red will flood Busch once again, ready for redemption.

“People from other teams want to play in St. Louis and they're jealous that we're in St. Louis because the fans are unbelievable," said Pujols. "So why would you want to leave a place like St. Louis to go somewhere else…” He knows how lucky he is to play for a team with such a loyal fan base.

As long as the fans keep coming out to root on their Cardinals, Pujols will feel an undeniable pull to stay in St. Louis.

If the Cardinals front office and fans can follow this plan, Pujols will be able to get his wish: he will finish his career in St. Louis. As Pujols so obviously put it in a 2007 interview, “I love my city. I love St. Louis. Hopefully I can finish my career there.”

Redbird fans hope you do too, Albert.

Cardinal fans will always support their team. So it looks like all 3 criteria to keep Pujols a Cardinal have been filled. Now we sit back and wait - and pray - for the contract to be signed.

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