Sunday, May 24

It's been a while...

Kansas City Royals vs St. Louis Cardinals
Do the Cards look... happy again?

How bout them Birds??

Sorry for the short hiatus, but I have excuses for my 9 day disappearance. They are as follows:

  1. I was too disgusted to say anything after the 3 game sweep at the hands of the Beer Crew
  2. I had 3 days of internet trouble during the amazing Cubs series
  3. I was too scared to jinx the Birds and their newly found pitching dominance

So, I'm sure all of you know where the Cards stand right now, and now that we're all caught up, let's talk some baseball. How's that sound?

I'm going to be discussing the aforementioned "pitching dominance" today. And to cover my tracks, jinx-wise, I promise to hit every Home Depot in a 10 mile radius and run up and down the aisles knocking on every piece of lumber they got. If that's still not enough, sorry Birds.

To catch you up, here are the starting pitching lines for the last time through the rotation the last 5 games:

(Yes, I know those annoying red squiggles are there. Why do the Cards have so many weird last names?? C'mon Mozeliak! You're tiring out my spell check!!)

And on top of all this the bullpen has gone 8.1 innings in these 5 games giving up 1 run while having a K:BB ratio of 10:1.

Oh, and who woulda thunk we'd win all 5 games?? How important is pitching? If I wouldn't have told you the pitching stats and just told you that over the last 5 games we averaged 3.6 runs per game, how many of those 5 would you say we won? Probably 2 or 3.

When your pitching staff stands strong, those few runs you score look a lot better. It's funny how your pitching staff changes your view on the offensive numbers. I don't know if that made any sense, but let me explain:

Let's say, the Cards lose a game 9-4. Of course, I would criticize the pitching. But I also have this thought running through my mind: "Only 4 runs??" Now imagine the Cards win their next game 4-1. The 4 runs they scored this time looks a whole lot better, doesn't it? But it's the same offensive production! I know, that was very mathematically involved, but for those of you who still don't follow how I came to that conclusion, refer to my equation below.

4 = 4

Anyway, let's get back at it tomorrow. Sorry for the long post today. But I had a lot to get off my chest after my over-a-week blogging vaca.

See ya tomorrow boys and girls.



  1. Do you think the Cardinals will be able to hold onto Puljos for the rest of his career?

  2. Hey Cardinals Fan,

    I think that's what the Cards wants, and that's what Pujols wants too. However, Pujols has told management that he wants to play for a winner. And if the Cards don't want to spend the money to put together a winning team, he will go to somebody else.

    But that is why the Cardinals are making the moves they are so far this offseason. Signing Brad Penny. Offering Matt Holliday a contract, that if he accepts, would be the most lucrative contract in team history.

    The main point is both Pujols and the Cardinals want to keep working together. It all depends on how other things work out...

    Now we wait and see...
