Saturday, February 20

Cardinal Blogger Of The Week

Sports Hot Corner
The Cardinal Blogger of the Week
As we await the start of the 2010 season, I decided to start up the season with something new here at Sports Hot Corner – an introduction of bloggers who cover the Cardinals. Most of these writers are not paid to cover the Cards, but do so out of their love of the game and especially their love of the Cardinal organization.

Sports Hot Corner has introduced its newest feature to its message board community – The Cardinal Blogger of the Week. The second blogger to be recognized is the Cardinals Best News Links. The feature is located at  -

In addition, on Saturday afternoon at 3:00 PM Central, the United Cardinal Blogger Radio Hour, will have the Cardinals minor league director John Vuch on as a guest on another special edition of the show.  Dustin from Whiteyball and Nick from Pitchers Hit Eighth will quiz him about St. Louis's farm system and who we should keep an eye on this season.

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