Friday, February 19

Interesting Read

I was scanning the Cards site and came across a story about McGwire on the job for his first official day. The article discussed how McGwire seemed very comfortable with the media and apologized over and over again for his mistakes, but that he has moved on and wishes everybody else would move on to. For a McGwire fan, it was a very good read. (link to article)

On MLB websites, it allows readers the chance to comment under the articles and I read one that I particularly enjoyed and wanted to share with everybody. The users name is PootyWalnuts.

"For all you McGwire haters, let me say this. I was born and raised in Oakland, CA. I've been to hundreds of A's and Giants games. Big Mac was hitting 500 ft. bombs when he was barely old enough to buy a beer. Barry Bonds on the other hand couldn't hit his weight until after he mysteriously gained 30 lbs. of muscle in his mid to late 30's. Yet, he's the "Home Run King," no questions asked. Clemens was throwing gas into his 40's, did anyone question that? McGwire is one of the nicest guys in baseball. LEAVE HIM ALONE, you media sharks. As far as the whole asterisk next to his numbers. Give me a break. Are there asterisks next to all those old time pitchers who were throwing spitballs and scuffed balls? Throwing looser wound balls from a higher mound. Should we give Mays 50 more HR's because CF at the polo grounds was 500 ft. ? Or should we take 50 away because the corners were only 280 ft.? What about that joke of a shoebox they call New Yankee Stadium. I'd rather watch a roideded out monster crush a long ball than Johnny Damon slap a one-handed pooch that carries just over that little league fence in the Bronx. Real baseball fans know which records are legit and which ones are tainted."

I read this and the only thought I had was, 'Couldn't have put it better myself." It's nice to know that there are other people out there that agree with me on the McGwire/Bonds issue.

Not to mention I always enjoy a good jab at the Yankees.

Anyway, have a good weekend. I'll see you Monday.

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